Vania Update #1: The First Week

Discord Community Data, Color Palletes, Better Search & More!

Rob Clarke

Posted 7 months ago

One of us - and I won't be so crass as to point fingers - ran away to Japan as soon as we launched, so we're not at full speed right now, but it's been a week since launch, so here's what we've been up too!

Vania is in beta and we're all about building in public, so if a feature sounds interesting or fun, we'll build it and get it out as quickly as possible, so our community can play with it and feedback sooner. While we're careful to ensure any data produced is reliable, features themselves may change significantly.

In fact, many of these have been based on user feedback and requests in the Discord, so join us over there to suggest new features.

Discord Community Data

If a game has a Discord link on Steam, we now track how many users are in the Discord, which can be a healthy indication of the interest in a game. (albiet one heavily biased to games with a multiplayer focus). We show the total members in list blocks, but we also show premium members and online members in game blocks, if you'd like more details.

Did you know that XXX games on Steam have Broken Discord links? Maybe it's a good time to check yours!

Key Art Color Palettes


You can now take a list of games and apply a "pallete block" to get either a complex or simplified view of the colours used. This can be very helpful when combined with filters to show less or more popular gammes in a gnere and take some of the guesswork out of a capsule design, as well as looking to overall color trends in certain tags, for example!

Basic Data Exporting

You can now export any list into CSV, Excel or HTML formats. The data in the list will be determined by the active columns you've selected. Although if you're thinking of exporting we'd love to hear why because there's a bunch of stuff we simply can't export (plus, of cuours, your exported lists will no longer be using live data!)

Better Quick Search

We've moved to a more user friendly search powered by Algolia, which allows for much smarter searching without needing to know the exact name of the game -- because nobody calls Skyrim "The Elder Scrolls V colon Skyrim". Oh, and we've also incorporated steam short descriptions into the search for broader results.


Block History

You can now add a history block (via the context) menu that tracks changes to in lists. So for example, if you have a list that tracks games with a review score of over 50, a game could enter or leave that based on new reviews. With a history block, you're now able to log when that happens.


Other QOL Updates

  • You can now pan / control the boards using WASD, just like in one of those "video games"
  • We've added quick links (website, store page and SteamDB) to all lists as an optional column

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