Vania Update #2.1: Import any list of games into Vania!

Turn static lists of games in dynamic Vania lists in seconds.

Rob Clarke

Posted 6 months ago

Our next few updates will be focusing on building out press kits and boards with helpful features, bug fixing, and a wide range of QoL updates.

Two of these features were suggestions based on either direct requests or community feedback, a very good reason to join Discord!

Boards: Automatic Importing

You can now import a list of games from a CSV or Excel into Vania.

This means if you have been building your own lists of interesting games, competitors, leads, or anything else you can now convert that to a Vania list within seconds and have all your data live update stats like pricing, discounts, wishlists, owners and revenue daily. If we can't automatically match a game, you can manually link them up with our search in a few seconds.

Press Kits: Password Protected Content

Press kits now support uploaded of any type of file that is then set behind a password. If visitors to the kit have the password, they can download the file. You can also set when each file will become available to download. This is very helpful for embargoed assets, but it's also helpful for setting up file packages for say, a one off event or marketing beat all in one place.

Press Kits: GIFs Section and Conversion

Although we already supported GIFs, we've made a separate section for their upload on the press kit, and we also automatically convert GIFs for you, so your 10MB Steam gif will now also appear as a much smaller MP4 file ideal for sharing and social platforms.

New Tiers

We've tweaked our tiers to focus just on features that are live right now, to make things less confusing. And we've made a new, lower cost supporter tier which grants you access to multiple boards, multiple themes, multiple press kits, live support and more.

If you want to try out supporter tier for free you can also grab 14 days from us any time by pinging us on the Discord!

And some other bug fixes and updates:

  • You can now set company press kits live alongside game kits
  • The Dashboard now has a few nice buttons and quick access to boards
  • Fixed a bug on boards where blocks were reappearing on refresh / reload sometimes
  • Fixed a bug where owners weren't updating for newer titles
  • Fixed another modal area where buttons for loading / saving weren't doing anything
  • Videos now show transcoding status after upload
  • Our 404 page is now a throwable "VIB" head, because Dan got bored

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